Hopefully after this, I'm no more mengidam-ngidam ni pasal aku baru jer dapat lose weight lagi pas demam ni.. Ni kalau mengikut rasa dan selera baru baik sakit, nanti sia-sia jer la hasilnya... Tp ada orang pesan kat aku, diet tak bererti tak makan.. Makan macam biasa tapi kuantiti yang sikit.. Aku plak makan ikut mood.. Tapi masalahnya bila kuar ngan orang tu aku mengidam makan macam-macam.. Ngeh ngeh... Jgn mara.. Nah magnum!!
Ok2, fact for the day... Magnum is an ice cream brand owned by the British/Dutch Unilever Company, and sold as part of the Heartbrand line of products in most countries (sold under the Wall's brand in the United Kingdom and others). The original 1987 Magnum (later rebranded as Magnum Classic) consisted of a thick bar of vanilla ice cream on a stick, covered with white or dark chocolate, with a weight of 86 grams (120 ml).
Hmm yummy yummy...