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Bila Nak Baik?

Yesterday while waiting in the physiotherapy room, I just came to realize that I had 'fall in love' with the hospital environment... Hehehe crazy? No, it's like me and hospital can't be apart! Macam all this year kerja aku berulang alik pergi hospital kan jadi rasa macam tengok suasana dia like I would love working in the hospital... This is serious, bukan main-main okeyyy!

Nak jadi doctor or nurse memang la tak buleh kan... Hehehe mana tahu boleh join the administration team ke.... Iye lah, kalau dah kerja pun dekat hospital senang la aku... Tak payah sebok nak kena cuti ke apa just for the useless appointment hahaha... Senang bila masa appointment aku boleh tercongok depan doctor in a second aje hahaha! Kalau sakit tak payah 'ne no ne no' naik ambulance lambat okeyy! Tapi serius if I got the chance, I would love too..

Oh, semalam kaki kena bungkus with another type of ankle support... Macam-macam la yang diorang test, ada yang tak fit dengan kaki... Ada one type tu bila jalan aku rasa macam robocop! Terus gua cakap 'no way I'm going to wear this one!!' hahahaha nganga budak tu! At the end yang fit dan grip bagus tu like a socks, okeyy la dari aku kena pakai kaki robocop tu!

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