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Hopefully the pain say bye-bye!

My foot after being given an injection. Steroids plus anti inflammatory drugs. 

Right after the injection, the foot turn to be like big foot. I've been given a choice just now whether to have an injection or straight away choose to be operated. In the beginning I would prefer of doing the operation, sebab the feeling of takut tak baik jugak after taking the injection. After a long discussion with the pakar, plus my father doing the talk and the nurse tenangkan budak penakut ni hahahaha finally I say yes. Lepas je dapat injection tadi rasa macam dapat kaki baru, jalan langsung tak sakit. The bius is still there, rasa macam sebak pun ada dah lama tak dapat rasa jalan without the pain.

Please pray for my speedy recovery.

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  1. Sabar ya dik, harap aeida dapat terus merasa jalan without the pain

  2. thanks kak win, hopefully... :)
