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Happy New Year

Happy new year 2012 peeps!! Wishing you a new year filled with new hope, new joy and new beginnings InsyaAllah...

I am so busy lately hehe and can't even have the time to write here... How I miss the time to write and tell story hihi. Orang kalau suka menceceh macam ni laa, tak dapat menulis sehari rasa macam dah tepu otak so kena alihkan kepada bercakap pulak kihkih nasib la siapa jadi mangsa kena mendengar kan.

Having a new life right now, as a wife for sure. But with the hubby by my side. No more pjj since he had start his new work in KL last 2 days. So my daily routine had totally changed, hihi kalau dulu bangun ikut suka hati perasaan aku sekarang kena bangun awal sikit (read: masa kecederaan yang terbabas) hahaha untuk prepare the breakfast. He would go out as early as 6.30 pm so I have to make sure he had his breakfast even it's not the heavy one. No more golek-golek time, weekend no more membuta sampai tengahari. Baru pukul 8 dia dah kejut sayang bangun laa, buat breakfast and I was like haaaaaaaaa awalnyaaaaaaaa!! I will cooked dinner for him, nasiblah the husband tak banyak songeh bab makan kau masaklah apa aje dia akan makan. Hehe that part I am so lucky...

Hehe so far that's my story after getting married, still taking my time to get used to it. Today is my first day of working for this new year, down with fever since the weekend. Hahaha pergi klinik mengelat sampai mak hari-hari call and sms to remind me. Finally semalam aku surrender jumpa doctor hahaha hari ni aku kerja jugak even the body is still aching takpe esok dah Jumaat balik kampungggggg!!!

Okay honestly I am homesick, damn homesick!!

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