Weh kekawan, pegi la tengok The Spy Next Door... Hahaha best dan kelakau giler beb!! Jacky Chan macam biasa adalah hero yang paling cool dan kelakau... Ni aku bagi synopsis dia walo korang bleh cari sendiri.. Malam plak kitorang tengok Universal Soldier.. Gua tak tau nak cakap best ke tak.. Masa awal movie tu best la sebab tengok scene bunuh kejam-kejam ni.. Terbeliak bijik mata aku! Pastu jalan cite dia macam tak smooth je, bagi aku la.. Pastu banyak sangat jugak cakap-cakap jer, mata aku pun kuyu-kuyu cam Garfield la... Sampai tiba-tiba aku terlelap okeh! Kawan-kawan, aku terlelap yer... Hahaha dia cocok suh aku bangun tengok jugak movie tu... Hehehe mmg aku nak tapi mata aku ni macam ada gam.. Lagi dia cobit ketam lagi aku tido, bukannya aku bangun... Siap terlentok baik punya.. Maap! Tapi aku rasa best jugak la cite tu.. Cuma aku tak sempat nak tengok betul2.. Opps lupa lak synopsis tu.. Here we are:
The Spy Next Door : Bob Ho is an undercover CIA superspy who decides to give up his career in espionage to settle down with his next-door neighbor and girlfriend, Gillian. But Bob has one more mission to complete before Gillian agrees to marry him: winning over her three opinionated kids. When Gillian suddenly has to leave town, Bob volunteers to babysit the children so he can earn their approval. But when one of the kids mistakenly downloads a top-secret formula from his computer, Bob's archenemy, a Russian terrorist, moves in for the attack, forcing Bob to juggle the roles of spy and prospective stepfather in the most challenging mission of his career!