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Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me...! Hehehe wishing myself a happy birthday... Another year passed and I'm thankful that I'm still alive, even not fairly healthy... I'm not getting old remember that, just adding another year of wisdom and maturity.. Thank you to my parents for bringing me into this world and make me the person I am today...

I wished that I can reach for a star, go for a beautiful dreams... Pick out some wishes no matter how far it is, or how hard it is to be reach...

The most that I want from the wishes, is for me to be healthy again..! Saya mahu sihat seperti dulu, where and when I can do almost everything in my life without having to think that I can't do this and I can't do that..! I just want everyone to be happy, not to worry so much about me and that will be the most valuable gift in my life at the moment... Aku tak mahu sakit lagi, tak mahu jumpa doctor lagi, tak mahu hospital menjadi rumah kedua, tak mahu ubat lagi, tak mahu rasa takut lagi dan tak mahu orang lain menangis kerana aku lagi... Doakan itu...

Hehehe dan rasanya hadiah paling bermakna juga adalah menghitung hari untuk dua hati menjadi satu, echeewaaah..! This year seperti tahun sebelum ini, hehe thank you for your wishes my dear... I love it and I love you..!

Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes dear friends..!

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