I believe in second chances. I just don't believe everyone deserves them.
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Belon Panas@Putrajaya
Oh tak sabarnya!! Ahad ni aku dan dia plan nak pegi Putrajaya naik belon panas ni... Yeaayeaa walopun aku takut dan gayat tapi aku tetap rasa excited untuk naik... Cuak gak! Tapi suke suke suke!!
wehhhh eman, belon tu siap taknak turun kalau aku yg naik tau.. kalau ko, sebaik sampai je belon tu terbang dulu sebab tkot ko yg nak naik! muahahahaha...
A person who dreams a second chance in life.. Hoping that she will be given the only last chance to live her life to the fullest.. Hoping that the chance will be something meaningful to everyone she loved..
I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature - Paulo Coelho
.. A person who dreams a second chance in life.. Hoping that she will be given the only last chance to live her life to the fullest.. Hoping that the chance will be something meaningful to everyone she loved..
g x ajak sampai ati :p
ReplyDeletebelum gi lagi la.. nanti kalo dah g, pasni kita g reramai pulak.. biar kak A try n error dlu ek.. budak kecik tunggu dulu k..
ReplyDeletekecik ker sy,,slmt cumil hahaa
ReplyDeletejgn nak perasan kecik yer korpo...hahahaha..
ReplyDeletehahaaha anan abah nie :p
ReplyDeleteboleh naik ke belonn
ReplyDeletewehhhh eman, belon tu siap taknak turun kalau aku yg naik tau.. kalau ko, sebaik sampai je belon tu terbang dulu sebab tkot ko yg nak naik! muahahahaha...
ReplyDeletehahaha....kak aaida g x td hot baloon
ReplyDeleteesok la kak Ai nak pegi... bukan ari ni... hehe jgn jeles ek.. sok nanti lalu atas umah korang I jerit k pgil korang keluar!!