A dietitian or dietician (dietitian is the official spelling used within the dietetics profession) is an expert in food and nutrition. Dieticians help promote good health through proper eating. They supervise the preparation and service of food, develop modified diets, participate in research, and educate individuals and groups on good nutritional habits. In a medical setting, a dietitian may provide specific artificial nutritional needs to patients unable to consume food normally. Dietary modification to address medical issues involving dietary intake is also a major part of dietetics. The goals of the dietary department are to provide medical nutritional intervention, obtain, prepare, and serve flavorsome, attractive, and nutritious food to patients, family members, and health care providers.
Different professional terms are used in different countries. Dietitians are a valuable member of the medical multi-disciplinary team providing nutritional knowledge and acting as consultants to other health care professionals.
Different professional terms are used in different countries. Dietitians are a valuable member of the medical multi-disciplinary team providing nutritional knowledge and acting as consultants to other health care professionals.
(Source : Encik Wikipedia)

Oh aku akan buat follow up setiap bulan dengan ini dietician... Hmm ikut hati malas, tapi because my doctor advise me to do so.. Dia cakap aku ada sedikit masalah berkaitan metabolisme.. Semenjak makan steroid dulu dan aku stop taking it, my weight boleh turun dan naik macam giler hape... Makan takde la banyak pun, sape yang makan dengan aku tau la.. Sebenarnya aku memang dah lama nak kan balik bentuk badan asal... Huhuuu aku harap berjaya laa... Tapi kalau setakat jumpa ini dietician dia suruh aku reduce intake of oily and fast food and any other common advise, aku rasa tak payah jumpa pun takpe.. Aku lagi pandai dari diorang rasanya! I need some sort of table of food intake so that I can just follow the menu everyday and the most important adalah mengikut keperluan dan condition aku... Kalau nak requets dietician tu lelaki buleh ke? Ngeh ngeh!
Aku nak transform dari beruang ke kancil buleh kee?? Heeiii buleh tau!! Heeee....
Aku nak transform dari beruang ke kancil buleh kee?? Heeiii buleh tau!! Heeee....
kak aaida klu nk trnsform jd semut pon boleh :p
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alamaakkk co cweet....