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I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have, I always will...

Finally today I am back to work!!! *sigh*

Picture above was taken masa kenduri side encik husband. Apple green hehe which I was like huuuh what pakai hijau??? Hehehe... Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar and just can't believe that we finally married.

The best news after we got married is that the husband will start his new work in KL this January. Oh rezeki pertama dari Allah selepas kahwin. Alhamdulillah sangat-sangat bersyukur dengan rahmat dan izinNya. Akhirnya doa saya dimakbulkan untuk dekat dengan suami tersayang. Tak sangka secepat ni rezeki yang Allah bagi, syukur ya Allah.

What I hope is that we will live happily ever after. Semoga rumahtangga yang dibina berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat dan semoga kami sama-sama dapat menempuh suka dan duka hidup berumahtangga. Semoga dijauhi segala dugaan dan cubaan manusia yang punya sifat hasad dan dengki, insyaAllah.

Love you my dear husband...

Thank you Allah...

Hehe just to share with all of you guys and definitely more and more pictures to come... Please pray for my happiness as I am so happy hehe to be with the one that I love, insyaAllah...


I'm now officially married to a man that I love so much.

Alhamdullilah the majlis akad nikah went well and I'm looking forward for the reception tomorrow. Oh now I knew what it feels like while waiting for the akad nikah pheew even it is not me that have to lafaz the qabul but there was a big butterfly in my stomach just now hihihi...

Thank you Allah...

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Hooray Hooray Hip Hip Hooray

Today will be my last day at the office, will start my wedding leave starting from next week hehehe... Encik fiance will send me back this weekend and will bring my car back to Melaka.