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The New Adventure: A Brand New Journey

Moving, a new journey ahead.

It's been a year to this day. Starting my PhD journey on September last year. I am now entering the third semester. Tak boleh imagine how am I being here, making the decision in the first place. 

Alhamdulillah... Syukur pada Allah yang menunjukkan jalan. Tanpa izin Dia, aku tak mungkin buat keputusan sebesar ini dan tak mungkin juga sedang menguatkan hati untuk terus menempuh this unpredictable journey.

Mula dengan nekad di hati untuk apply for scholarship under KPT which is Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP). Masa nak apply, I had remind myself not to be dissappointed if I would have failed with the application; let it be at any stage. Alhamdulillah, everything was going so smooth, from getting the consent to apply for the study leave until dapat panggilan interview on July 2018 and finally got the offer on October 2018. Finally on September 2019 selamat mendaftar dan bergelar pelajar tua yang comel. 

Now, I have completed my second semester. Going for my third semester on October insyaAllah. Due to this pandemic situation, it is not easy at all. Only Allah knows how hard to get yourself on track when everything is online; new normal needs we haven't thought about enough. Again, Allah ease the journey alhamdulillah.

Maybe next post I will update on the journey from the very beginning and some tips and advise for those yang nak apply for HLP. I am far away to called myself the right person to talk about it, but sharing the experiences is all the better. I can read this someday, and appreciate the moment.

Appreciation note: thank you husband for being so supportive. My heart can't thank you enough for everything.

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