Taaaa taaaa tadaaa! Hehehe my second attempt for asam pedas. This time using ikan pari instead of ikan tenggiri masa first time buat hari tu. Actually cooking asam pedas was not that tough hihi lepas belajar resipi asam pedas from my mother in law the last time balik Melaka hari tu, before this tak pernah practice pun skill memasak hahaha bujang dulu saya banyak makan roti dari makan nasi hahaha. The different in terms of ingredients that they use, I mean orang Melaka laa they add rempah kari ikan in their asam pedas. Something new that I don't know before this. Okay, the husband?? Hehehe he gave me full mark for it hehehe kembang hidung sekejap hihi. The most precious feeling is that bila tengok dia tambah nasi lagi dan lagi hehe.
Today I'm on leave. Saje sempena nak sambut labour day tomorrow kena amik mood dulu kan haha. The weekend was full with shopping and catching up movies for us. Saturday lepak kat Sunway Pyramid dari pagi sampai ke malam, doing some shopping for us and also for the father and brother belated birthday present hihi. Also bought the husband punya birthday present in advanced hihi. Will update about that later but somehow I would say that this year adalah tema beg kerja hehe. Sunday we were at Mid Valley this time lagi tak ingat dunia almost midnight baru tau nak balik. We catched up 2 movies, Battleship and Titanic 3D. Seriously I would really want to watch the Battleship again oh Alex Hopper hehe. Plan to bring the little brother next week for this movie. Please, go and watch this movie. Best gila!!
Oh by the way, since today I am on leave doing nothing much at home terbaca her facebook status that I think she might be forgot to set it to her friends only. Hahaha oh bertuah sungguhlah dapat baca. Rasa macam nak cakap oh tak sedar diri rupanya, dah terang-terangan people know that kau jahat, dan kau sendiri dah tahu apa kau pernah buatkan lagilah nak update status about hadis itu dan ini, talk about being munafik, balasan dunia akhirat what so ever. Hahaha yang amalan syirik kau tu yang tak serupa orang ada pegangan agama tu macam mana pulak??? Yang kau ganggu gugat hidup orang lain, tak munafik pulak, tak pulak kau pikir balasan akhirat yang dapat cash kononnya kau cakap tu kan?? Kacau hak orang yang terang-terangan bukan hak kau, itu tak dapat balasan cash ke nanti?? Perangai kau yang macam perempuan dot dot dot tu mulia ke?? Kelakar la this kind of people, opsss lupa pulak background dia pun is one of the factor jugak kan hik!